Showing 1–25 of 28 results
Arduino Pro Micro 5V/16MHz Leonardo ATMega32U4 32k EntwicklungsBoard microUSB
€8,99Read more -
Arduino Uno R3 kompatibel MEGA328P ATmega328 CH340G USB DIY EntwicklungsBoard
€8,48Read more -
AOI4184 MOSFET NMOS 40V 50A Schalter Modul Relais Ersatz
€5,60 – €9,90 Select options -
mini RS232 zu TTL UART Converter MAX232 Chip Seriell
€2,75Add to cart -
Bodenfeuchte Soil Hygrometer Pflanzen Sensor Homegrowing Auto YL-69
€2,97Add to cart -
NEO-6M GPS Modul Flight GY-GPS6MV2 ublox seriell UART Geo Positionsbestimmung Höhenmessung
€13,39Add to cart -
Regensensor LM393 Feuchte Resistiv Wasser einst YL-38 Modul Arduino
€2,75Add to cart -
LCD Display 2004 BLAU I2C Bus GELÖTET 20×4 Zeichen HD44780
€9,97Add to cart -
1.8″ 128×160 SPI TFT LCD Farb Display ST7735S Modul + SD Kartenleser Arduino RPi
€9,97Add to cart -
Versorgung 6-12V zu 3,3 und 5V wählbar AMS1117 USB Out
€3,80 – €9,90 Select options -
I2C Interface zu LCD Displays 1602 2004 16×2 20×4 seriell LCM1602 IO-Expander
€3,85Read more -
HC SR04 Ultraschall Distanz Abstand Sensor Roboter Auto Ultrasonic
€2,92 – €9,93 Select options -
Arduino Micro USB 5V Atmega AT32U4 neuer moderner Nano USB HID
€13,80 – €15,80 Select options -
RFP30N06LE TO-220 MOSFET Transistor Power Modul Control 30A 60V
€5,49Read more -
LCD Display 2004 GRÜN I2C Bus GELÖTET 20×4 Zeichen HD44780
€9,97Add to cart -
MEGA 2560 R3 ATMEGA2569-16AU IOs + USB Kabel Arduino Modul kompatibel USB CH340
€14,50Read more -
L298 Keyes_L298P Motor Shield Treiber Endstufe 2x H-Brücke 20V 2A Driver
€13,98Add to cart -
LM75BD CJMCU-75 Temperaturwächter Temperatursensor I2C -55..125°C
€3,78 Select options -
LCD Display 2004 GRÜN SET mit I2C 20×4 Zeichen HD44780 5V
€8,89Add to cart -
MQ-3 MQ3 Alkohol Gas Sensor Modul Alarm Breathalyzer Chemie Sensor
€4,25Add to cart -
TCS3200D LAB Farbsensor Color True-Color RGB Detektor Helligkeitssensor
€9,98Add to cart -
LCD 1602 Display blau SET mit I2C 16×2 Character HD44780 LCM1602 Modul
€7,40Add to cart -
LCD 1602 Display grün 16×2 Character alphanummerisch HD44780 Modul
€4,39Add to cart -
TCA9548A 8-Kanal I2C Switch Multiplexer MUX mit Reset, Pegelwandler, 1.65 bis 5V
€8,98 Select options -
LCD Display 1602 I2C blau 16×2 I2C GELÖTET HD44780 LCDBlue-I2C LCM1602
€8,39Add to cart
Showing 1–25 of 28 results